
Posts uit 2016 tonen

Windows Nano: Nic teaming.

Since Microsoft is slowly building up to AzureStack they have released Nano server which in al likely hood will be the platform on which AzureStack will land. So preparing for it i started taking a look at what Nano has to offer and was pleasantly suprissed. Being that i allready had a Hyper-v machine running it was very nice to see that i could achieve the same thing with Nano i did with a full blown distribution of the GUI/Core installation with even less hassle and overhead. The following things are possible but need a different approach: Nic Teaming --> This is done in hyper-v itself now. Standard teaming isn't supported as in the GUI/Core version. (new-vmswitch -netadaptername nic1, nic2) (you can also add -enableembeddedteaming but this isn't necassary as we added a array at netadaptername) Storage --> Storage Spaces is included Clusterin --> Yup, its there. System Center 2016? Yes, it's even possible to create a vhd with these specific packages in i...

Storage: Create Storage Space with Parity.

So you've got a bunch of disks and want to create a Storage Space with Parity and journaling? (In case of SharePoint servers this could be very usefull performance wise and integrity wise. Be it for a SharePoint WFE or a Service Tier running Excel services. Here's the script i used. $HDD = Get-PhysicalDisk -CanPool $true | where {$_.mediatype -eq "HDD"} $SSD = Get-PhysicalDisk -CanPool $true | where {$_.mediatype -eq "SSD"} New-StoragePool -FriendlyName 'Data01' -PhysicalDisks $HDD -ResiliencySettingNameDefault Parity -StorageSubSystemFriendlyName "Windows Storage on W2016-HOST02" Add-PhysicalDisk -StoragePoolFriendlyName Data01 -PhysicalDisks $SSD -Usage Journal New-VirtualDisk -FriendlyName "Parity with Journaled Data" `     -StoragePoolFriendlyName "Data01" -NumberOfColumns 3 `      -ProvisioningType Thin -ResiliencySettingName Parity -Size 2TB `     | Initialize-Disk -PassThru -PartitionStyle GPT `     | New-Part...

RDS: Remote Desktop Gateway with NPS and Cross domain identities.

This post is about configuring a Remote Desktop Gateway in Resource Domain A while consuming the identities from Identity domain B. Setup: - NPS in Domain A  - RDG in domain A - MFA in Domain A Requirements a "TWO-WAY trust" with selective authentication (or wide if you have no security risks) It won't be possible to authenticate users from domain B in Domain A via the RDG until the computer account has gotten the permission "Allow to authenticate" on the domain controllers in Domain B. The simplest way to achieve this is by going to properties on the "Domain Controllers" OU in users and computers in domain B (RSAT tools) and going to the security Tab. (if you don't see the security tab in users and computers then make sure you've enabled "advanced features" under the view selection.) Then when you're in the security tab click the bottom advanced button. This will open the "Advanced Security Settings for Domain...

Azure: UDR for Gateway Subnet (Forced tunneling to appliance!)

Microsoft has silently released new network functionality (as of may 201 6 ) for Azure Resource Manager. This new functionality allows you to force tunnel traffic from a VM and to your Appliance in the cloud from a Virtual Network Gateway . (ExpressRoute, IPSEC, vnet to vnet) In previous scenario's we only had the possibility to tunnel traffic from vm's in a subnet to a subnet where an appliance resided in a one way scenario.  You would then use technologies like an IPSEC VPN on your appliance to tunnel your traffic to and from a other datacenter and act as a network overlay to route your traffic according to your wishe s. Now it's possible to force traffic coming from the virtual network gateway be it from the IPSEC VPN connection or the ExpressRoute connection to your appliance in a different v N et (so use the default gateway VPN/Expressroute functionality). You need to add a UDR (User Defined Rule) in the "GatewaySubnet" in your vnet telling th...

Azure: Barracuda NG template ARM

This template will create two or more loadbalanced barracuda NG's in a specified subnet.  {   "$schema": "",   "contentVersion": "",   "parameters": {     "adminUsername": {       "type": "string",       "minLength": 1,       "metadata": {         "description": "Admin username"       }     },     "adminPassword": {       "type": "securestring",       "metadata": {         "description": "Admin password"       }     },     "storageAccountName": {       "type": "string",       "metadata": {     ...