
Er worden posts getoond met het label Single ADFS more hostnames

One ADFS to serve them all (Part I)!

One ADFS to serve them all (part I)! The goal is to use a vanity URL host names that your site is using and to also use that same host name to resolve ADFS, without having you redirected back to the ADFS original service name (hostname + URL). Because for the end users this shouldn't look like anything else but the vanity domain they are already connected to. Thus how do we solve this? Follow this basic lab entry to get a feeling for the end solution. (I will post more about this subject in greater detail) The ADFS Limitation. The limitation I'm speaking of, in this case is the endpoint for SAML 2.0 / WS-Federation: "/adfs/ls"  (but as you can imagine it's pretty much every endpoint listed in ADFS) We connect with the 1 possible value set during installation for the federation service name: ""  Which results in all endpoints only being accessibly under that federation service name.    Figure A: Federation service ...