How to find a correlationID in SharePoint without an error?

Sometimes we are looking for some piece of a request that fails in our SharePoint web application / site-collection / site.....And we are not getting that nice SharePoint error that gives us the correlation id which will help us narrow / pin down the error in the ULS logs.

In case SharePoint isn't registering an error when your so called "exception" hits it can be difficult to find the culprit in ULS logs. So how then do we get the correlation id if don't get one?

Simple, download the debugging proxy called "fiddler" from Install fiddler on your client that you are using to debug / analyze the issue at hand. Remember that fiddler must be installed on a client with the necessary access to the sharepoint web application / site-collection / etc.

Open up the fiddler client which will automatically integrate itself in to your browsers (firefox, IE, Chrome, etc.) as a proxy between your client and the SharePoint environment. (Some manual step in Firefox might be needed to allow the plug-in from Firefox to be used in runtime)

Next open up your site and you should see the request manifest itself in the left window inside the fiddler interface. In the fiddler top right window part rightside make sure "Inspectors" is selected and in the lower right side window after that  select "Headers".

The result should look something like:
 Figure A - Fiddler SharePoint Request ID aka Correlation ID

Now open up your SharePoint farm replay the issue and mark in ULS the request id which marked your issue. Open up the SharePoint farm with the issue and use the powershell CMDLet "Merge-splogfile -correlation "Your Request ID here" -path "path to dump log selection based on request guid"

If your SharePoint Site is running with SSL you need to do some more steps in fiddler to allow the traffic to be decrypted by fiddler. 

Open up Tools --> Fiddler Options -- https and make sure your flag the required settings.

 Figure B - Fiddler HTTPS Settings

Another cool tool to look at is ULSViewer. You can find this on codeplex and on MS downloads and other places if you Google or Bing around enough.  Fiddler and ULSviewer in my honest opinion are two tools at least every SharePoint pro should have in his toolbox.


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