Azure: MFA on Premise switch license model or instance without changing the installation!

If you have an existing Azure MFA configuration running and you don't want to have the double per user cost you need to change your on premise configuration to match the new Azure SaaS MFA service.

In my situation I started to work with "AAD" Premium which automatically also introduced a new MFA provider. Now since i don't want twice the per user fee I decided to reconfigure my existing MFA on premise configuration...

First of al, it will look like you need to reinstall everything but this isn't true. Follow the steps below to reconfigure your on premise MFA to a new MFA ID.

1. login to Azure Active Directory (AAD), and go to the configuration tab in the classic portal (this feature isn't integrated yet in the preview AAD pane in ARM).

2. Open up the link for the MFA Service Provider "Manage Service Settings".

3. In the new windows on the bottom of the page hit the link "Go to the Portal" 

4. Mean while login to your MFA (servers) and go to the installation folder of the Multi Factor Authentication server. (C:\Program Files\Multi-Factor Authentication Server\Data) 

5. Rename the following file  "licenseKey" to "licenseKey.old"

6. in the portal hit the link for download and after that hit the button for generating activation credentials. Copy and paste that information somewhere.

7. Now after you renamed the file on your MFA on premise server(s) start up the management interface. It will trigger the wizard which will allow you top paste the new information you just obtained and reconfigure it to connect to your new MFA Service ID.

8. It will ask your for configuration information like what are you going to use it for and PW info etc. Don't worry you won't lose you're current user population and other settings, those are still there afterwards. It might mean certain users will have to re-register there multi factor mobile app do!


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